Question of the week:Everything is so uncertain right now--the stock market is all over the place and I'm not convinced that the economy is back yet. What's the best way to respond to all this? --Collin
Dear Collin,
If you feel like you're on a roller coaster, it's because in a very real sense, you are. There have been few times in the history of the stock market when such a fantastic run-up (like the late 90s) has been followed so suddenly by such a sharp and protracted downturn (as we are now experiencing).
A bit of perspective can help a lot. We asked Armchair Millionaire community members for their views looking back over the last few years since the market dropped. Here's a bit of what we heard:
"If it were 1999 again, I would have diversified my portfolio. It would have made the last year or so an easier ride. Now I take a much closer look at the make up of my portfolio and realize that it is never to late to correct a mistake." --Bill Mac
"You can't beat the market. If it were 1999, I'd have looked more carefully at my holdings and gotten out of some things sooner. It's better to have your principal intact than trying to figure out what the very top of a stock (or fund) rise will be." --Hestarose
"Gold and real estate--five years ago these were not considered particularly good investments and I had to convince my broker that that was what I wanted. Call me old-fashioned, but at least I still have something more substantial than electrons." --Carrie
We can't help but compare that from this comment from the archives of the Armchair Millionaire, typical of those we heard during the late 90s:
"Internet funds and stocks are what you need to buy now. Even if you think it's a little late to get in, get in. It's only the beginning with a limitless future." --Tim
It's challenging to keep a sane, long-term perspective when you're in the midst of market volatility and rocky economic times. But keep in mind that some things are always in style, no matter what. My checklist has the rules that work-in good times and bad.
The Armchair Millionaire Checklist of Timeless Financial Lessons
- Pay off your high interest debt. Debt is savings in reverse. By paying off high interest debt (credit cards are the primary culprit), you'll sidestep paying plenty on interest that you can use for much better things-like saving and investing.
- Take care of what you have. Get on a first name basis with your insurance agent. Check your health, disability, car, homeowners and long-term care insurance to make sure you have adequate coverage. If you are older and have substantial savings, consult with an estate planning attorney. No matter what your situation is, keep an up-to-date will.
- Get yourself on track. If you fail to plan where you want to go financially, you probably won't get anywhere at all. Take the time to put your goals down on paper. Split them out into short-term (over the next year, mid-term (the next five to ten years) and long-term (over the really long haul, like the next 30 to 40 years). Be specific and define exactly what you'll need to do to achieve these goals.
- Don't panic. If the down market has you tempted to make radical changes in your long-term investments, take a deep breath and just hold back. The market has gone through these periods before, and has always come back.
- Keep investing. Dollar cost averaging will help you turn this lemon of a market into lemonade over the long run. If you haven't yet started to invest, don't wait for the market to go back up to begin.
THE BOTTOM LINE: There have been a lot of ups and downs lately, but you'll get through to better times by sticking to battle-tested strategies that have been proven to work over and over again.
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Step 4. Send the other $5 donation
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Step 5. Remove the FIRST email address. Add YOUR email address to the bottom as the FIFTH email address. *Make sure you use the very same email address that you used to open your PayPal account.
This is the way that you will receive
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Step 6. Keep sending the letter until you get 50 "Thank You I've Joined."
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Posted by: Prosperer | April 15, 2007 at 10:56 PM